Friday, April 18, 2008

BR - The Heritage Trilogy - Semper Mars

BR - The Heritage Trilogy - Semper Mars

Ian Douglas - 4/5

Good paced book, fun to read, hoo-ra marines. Find evidence of life (if not extinct) on Mars, what did you think the Mars face was? UN vs US, UN wants to take over the discovery (they also find some human-like bodies). US Marines have to fight their way back into the installation.

Meanwhile on Earth UN is fighting US/Russia/Japan, world is going to hell in a handbasket. Don't find out what happens, got to read the rest. Main girl on earth is daughter of leader of marines on Mars. Decides to enlist and running to the moon to set up a permanent base there, taking over the skies.

Would read again, good political mix and action, need to read the next two.

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