Friday, April 18, 2008

BR - Duncan Delaney and the Cadillac of Doom

BR - Duncan Delaney and the Cadillac of Doom

4 outta 5

AL Haskett. Pretty damn off the wall if you ask me. Premise - Painter breaks up with the gf and runs out to Cali (LA). Falls in love with a stripper with a super-dyke gf and ends up getting the crapola beat out of him many times. Meets some interesting characters along the way - best friend Benjamin getting him into lots of trouble. Ends up marrying the stripper and leads to a pretty depressing ending, but fitting for the book.

Would read again. Off the wall enough to make it interesting, but not so drawn out as something by Christopher Moore. No real valuable life lessons hear, but an interesting read.

"Benjamin theorized that Fiona had impounded Woody's testicles long ago and held them hostage in a jar of murky liquid in the back of the refrigerator at the circle d. Duncan claimed the jar held old olives. Benjamin did not buy it. He could not discern the other grounds for Woody's craven conduct. Sure, Fiona sporadically warmed the testicles in the microwave to allow Woody their use, but that was not the same as operating one's gonads one's self."

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