Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pandora's Star - Peter Hamilton


Loooooong. 750 pages hardback, 900+ paperback. General idea is that a star system under investigation blinks out, it's been covered up by some people trying to contain it or it's people. Send out exploratory mission and encounter a race trying to escape (forcefield blinks out after humans get there). Then all hell brakes loose as they try to take over the earth systems.

General plot outline is excellent. Implementation is awful. 15 pages on the evolution of the alien species does not do anything to move story forward. After 450 pages I skimmed the rest and didn't feel that I missed any major points. Would not read again or recommend, unless you like really drawn out books. This is also the first of a two-book set. Will not read the second one, but will try to find out what happens just to see how it's all resolved.

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